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Specializing Master in Lighting Design & Technology

Master e Corsi di POLI.design

Specializing Master in Lighting Design & Technology

  • Online
  • In aula a Milano

Prezzo: Consultare


A proposito di formazione

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Admission Requirements

The University Master’s is open to candidates with a university diploma or degree in Architecture, Design, Engineering, or equivalent qualifications if the Master’s training is deemed a valuable complement to the candidate’s previous experiences. Equivalent qualifications in respective education systems will be considered for foreign candidates


Designing Lighting for Interiors, Exteriors, and Installations

A comprehensive program that trains professionals to develop and manage lighting solutions. This Master is designed for graduates in polytechnic disciplines and provides methodologies and tools for the conception, organization, and execution of lighting projects.


Lighting design projects should enhance the well-being of people and support social, productive, relational, and communicative activities. Artificial light is a fundamental asset of modern societies and a significant contributor to the economic, commercial, and social development of many countries. Utilizing its full energetic and expressive potential requires specific skills that can be acquired through the Master in Lighting Design and Technology.

This program aims to train professionals with advanced skills in lighting design for interiors, retail, hospitality, urban spaces, and museum installations. The demand for Lighting Designers is evident in sectors ranging from specialized companies and design studios to technical departments of public administrations, as reflected by the employment rate of Master’s participants, which exceeds 90%.

The one-year program is taught in English and includes the following educational activities and key themes:

- Lectures and workshops on the theoretical and methodological foundations of lighting design, from project culture to continuous innovation in the field.
- Project work with practical exercises in lighting design: CAD and BIM programs; lighting studies for hospitality, retail, outdoor environments, and cultural heritage.
- Empowerment for professional integration.
- Internships in lighting design companies and studios.

Training Objectives

The Master in Lighting Design and Technology imparts the skills necessary to work in companies, design studios, and technical departments:

- Acquire competence to follow the lighting project and production process.
- Develop the ability to analyze and synthesize the methodological processes of ideation, organization, and realization of lighting projects.
- Learn methodologies and tools to create effective solutions for interiors, urban exteriors, museum and temporary installations, and hospitality environments.
- Develop the awareness required for designing artificial lighting in accordance with socio-cultural aspects.

Career Opportunities

Over 90% of Master’s participants find employment in leading sector companies within a year of completing their studies. The roles for which participants are trained include:

- Lighting Designer
- Lighting Project Designer
- Lighting Technician
- Lighting Consultant


To participate in the selection, candidates must complete the online application by the following deadlines:

- EU citizens and non-EU citizens with a degree obtained in Italy / EU citizens with a degree obtained abroad: by October 12, 2024.
- Non-EU citizens with a degree obtained abroad: by September 12, 2024.


a Milano


Upon passing the final exam, participants will receive a First Level University Master’s Diploma in Lighting Design and Technology from Politecnico di Milano.

Date e orari

- 12 Dec. 2024 - 31 Dec. 2025


60 CFU


Training Modules
The program is delivered in English (or with simultaneous translation) and in-person, over ten thematic modules followed by an internship.

Module 1 | 42 hours
Theory of Lighting

Module 2 | 42 hours
Lighting Technology

Module 3 | 42 hours
Connected Lighting

Module 4 | 42 hours
Introduction to Lighting Design

Module 5 | 40 hours
Project Work: Lighting Design with CAD and BIM

Module 6 | 40 hours
Project Work: Lighting for Hospitality

Module 7 | 40 hours
Project Work: Outdoor Lighting

Module 8 | 40 hours
Project Work: Lighting for Cultural Heritage

Module 9 | 40 hours
Project Work: Commercial Interior Lighting

Module 10 | 32 hours
Professional Empowerment


The Master’s program features some of Italy's top Lighting Designers, including C. Bertolaja, P. Castiglioni, C. D’Alesio, V. Libertucci, L. Marchesi, F. Murano, P. Palladino, M. Patetta, G. Pinna, and A. Reggiani.

Discover the complete Faculty
Scientific Director: Maurizio Rossi
Vice Director: Andrea Siniscalco

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