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7 Master in Design Semipresenziali

Risultati per Master in Design Semipresenziali

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Master e Corsi di IED - Istituto Europeo di Design

Master in Exhibit Design. Roma

IED - Istituto Europeo di Design Questo corso è erogato in lingua italiana. Il Master in Exhibit Design forma figure professionali, dotate di una progettualità allargata capace di trasformare lo spazio in un dispositivo di comunicazione, spesso innestato con le nuove tecnol...

prezzo: Consultare

Master e Corsi di POLI.design

Specializing Master in Industrial Design Engineering and Innovation

POLI.design Becoming Product Designer in Milan today is a recognized value on professionalism. BE A MASTER OF PRODUCT DESIGN! The Politecnico, together with its advanced production system and a top-class historic culture, creates for its master students access...

prezzo: Consultare

Master e Corsi di POLI.design

Specializing Master in Service Design

POLI.design The training course dedicated to the design of innovative and effective services and experiences in accordance with the transformations of business models. The Specializing Master delivers an English teaching programme on service design employing a...

prezzo: Consultare

Master e Corsi di POLI.design

Corso di Alta Formazione in Olfactive Design

POLI.design Space and scent are related. Scent travels through space through air and moisture, wood or laminates, telling past stories, anticipating the future to come. Scent can attract or repel, can convey comfort or anxiety, create powerful memories. Smells ...

prezzo: Consultare

Master e Corsi di POLI.design

International Master in Strategic Design for Innovation and Transformation

POLI.design In a complex world awash with technology, fast-moving socio-cultural changes, and ultra-competitive business challenges, executives are asked to unlock a step change in business performance. Envisioning meaningful innovations, leading human-centric...

prezzo: Consultare

Master e Corsi di POLI.design

Specializing Master in Contract Design

POLI.design Contract Design represents a specific sector of professional applications relating to the design, management and organisation of resources helpful in realising internal and external spaces with specific intended uses. Its objective is to improve the...

prezzo: Consultare

Master e Corsi di POLI.design

Master in Designing for Transition

POLI.design The environmental crisis is increasingly looming just as clear is the evidence of human responsibility for climate change, loss of biodiversity, irreversible damage to ecosystems, depletion of soil and raw materials, and exponential increase in wast...

prezzo: Consultare